Closed joint-stock company

Necessary steps for company registration in Lithuania

Registration of company in Lithuania is determined by the following forms of ownership, with the presence of the status of a legal entity, which is recommended to exist in the country one of the most common types of companies, which occupy about 96% of the total market of Lithuania - is the Closed Joint-Stock Company (UAB). The minimum required authorised capital is 2900 EUR. A full-fledged organization in Lithuania is a structure that has been registered with the Tax Service and entered in the State Register of the country, as well as having its details in a bank. Information about the company can be found on the website of the Lithuanian Register. The list of documentation, officially existing enterprise (CJSC) includes all documents, which are de facto owned by the company after its registration, along with the charter of the company, noted in the tax service. Charter documentation, which is transferred together with the finished company, gives the opportunity to organize any kind of activity. The main advantage of acquiring a ready-made company, before the registration of a new one, is to save time, which will be 7 days, as well as there is no need to form the authorized capital.